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Drop Down Day 11th Oct 2023

Drop Day 1 : Roman History Day

Year Four had a fantastic time on their recent Drop-Down Day about Ancient Rome. Children were divided into tribes of Celts (settlers) and tribes of Romans (invaders). 

Drop Down Day 1 : Roman History Day

Year Four had a fantastic time on their recent Drop-Down Day about Ancient Rome. Children were divided into tribes of Celts (settlers) and tribes of Romans (invaders). We then  'invaded ' Goodmayes Park with our 'Handy Invasion Checklist' where we checked for sources of water (the lake) and sources of wood (the trees). We marched up and down like Roman soldiers and chased the other tribe. Then we came back to school and had a delicious Italian feast kindly provided by the parents. A huge thank you to everyone.


" Today has been fabulous. I loved invading the park. It was really funny when the Queen Boudicca chased the Roman general around the park with a wooden spoon because she didn't want Britain to be invaded. We came back and stuffed our faces with lots of pasta, pizza and Tiramisu"
