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*Press Release- Al-Noor Primary School featured in the Parlimentary Review*

***PRESS RELEASE: Al-Noor Primary Schools featured in The Parliamentary Review***

Al-Noor Primary schools are delighted to inform you that they have been featured in the latest online edition of the Parliamentary Review, showcasing the excellent work of the schools with the community and beyond. We hope this article will give the schools and the Al-Noor Foundation the exposure they deserve to highlight their great work and help further their aims to promote spiritual development and social improvement, as well as to break down barriers to achievement for the young.

Combining political commentary from leading journalists, with sector specific insight from Secretaries of State, Ministers and MPs, The Parliamentary Review is a guide to industry best practice, which demonstrates how sector leaders have responded to challenges in the political and economic environment. It has several editions, each focusing on an individual policy area with the strategic aim of raising standards by highlighting best practice.

The schools are pleased to have been recognised for achieving great outcomes for children.   The organisations who write for The Review are for the most part apolitical themselves, although some are unapologetically forthright with their views of certain political parties or individuals.

Lord Pickles, co-chairman of The Review, has stated that now more than ever it is "critical that we forge new channels of communication and reinforce existing ones" and this article from Al-Noor Primary Schools is a great way of delivering that.

Do have a read and share with your family and friends. A PDF version has been attached for you but You can read it online at:   


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