The life cycle of a plant!
Getting our 'fingers green' by planting beans and tomatoes!
Getting our 'fingers green' by planting beans and tomatoes!
Pupils came to school wearing their favourite clothes on the day of our Eid party!
Bridge Blunder activity. Can we find a solution?
Cranberry Tree pupils dressed as their favourite book characters!
The spectacular entrance to the British Museum!
In Art this we made Celtic torcs from plasticine.
This week, Year 3 took part in Odd Sock Day to celebrate our uniqueness and Glow day to emphasise on being seen in the winter months when travelling on the roads!
In D&T we enjoyed making volcanoes!
Arabic spelling list Autumn 2022-23
Arabic spelling is due every Thursday.
Please see notes below on how to practise.
You might find it useful to practise using
year 3 | spelling | autumn term 1 | |
year 3 | spelling | autumn term 2 | |
year 3 | spelling | autumn term 1 and 2 combined | |
year 3 | spelling | class invite link |
We love Science in Year 3 Cranberry Class. We did experiments in our Science topic of Light and Shadow. Read about our investigations below
We love Science in Year 3 Cranberry Class. Read about our investigations in our topic of Rocks, Fossils and Soils
In a visit from Victorian fossil hunter Mary Anning, Year 3 dug up their own fossils. Read what Year 3 Cranberry class thought about the visit, below.