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Year Five - Lemon Tree Class

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  • Year 5 Residential to Gilwell Park!

    Published 07/06/23, by Jamilah Noor

    At one with nature at Gilwell Park.

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  • World Book Day!

    Published 02/05/23, by Jamilah Noor

    Lemon Tree pupils dressed up as their favourite book characters!

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  • The future of the planet is in our hands. Let’s choose to make it a sustainable green one!

    Published 22/05/24, by Nafisah Mahmood

    'This term we have been focusing on our carbon footprint and how to reduce it as much as we can. We made posters to promote this, creating colourful illustrations and pictures. For example, using public transport and buying seasonal and local food. It was an amazing experience!' - Hannah A

    'This week, on Tuesday, we did some fitness exercises to help strengthen our bodies in Goodmayes Park with Coach Constantee. We did some burpes, skipping, star jumps and more. This helped our body experience a lot of exercise.' - Ayah A

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  • Look at what we created!

    Published 15/05/24, by Nafisah Mahmood

    Throughout this term, we have been examining and assessing various existing frame structures. Children used suitable equipment and employed a variety of techniques to create a prototype of a frame structure. 

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  • Maritime Museum - Shackleton here we come!

    Published 13/05/24, by Nafisah Mahmood

    'This week we explored the spectacular, immeasurable, greenery at Greenwich Park, and climbed enormous trees. We also visited the Maritime Museum and explored the exhibition about Shackleton who we have been learning about in English. It was so peaceful to see everyone get along.

    Also, that week, the girls dived deep into the waters of the crystal clear swimming pool. The coaches put us all into three groups. I love swimming and can't wait to keep going swimming!' - Aaminah K

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  • Do you know who Sir Ernest Shackleton is?

    Published 03/05/24, by Nafisah Mahmood

    'Something I loved about this week is that we are writing a letter to Ernest Shackelton. Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton is best known as a polar explorer who was associated with four expeditions exploring Antarctica. Our letter to him was to persuade him to accompany him on his magnificent mission to the frozen heart, Antarctica. We had to use descriptive language, emotive language and lots of persuasive writing.' - Ayyadh N

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    Published 17/04/24, by Nafisah Mahmood

    We bid farewell to the sacred, blessed month and the festive day of Eid... 

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  • Great British Spring Clean!

    Published 27/03/24, by Nafisah Mahmood

    'This week we went to the park to help the environment by litter picking! It is important to help the environment because Allah has made the Earth for us and if we keep polluting, everything will wither out and the Earth will not be sustainable for us. When I was litter picking, I felt peaceful, like I was at one with nature' - Yusuf C & Mustafa R

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  • What a pleasurable week!!

    Published 25/03/24, by Nafisah Mahmood

    Islamic Awareness Week is an event celebrated across the globe. Its purpose is to raise awareness about Islam and provide a platform for members of the Muslim community to share their experiences and perspectives.

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    Published 11/03/24, by Nafisah Mahmood

    'We had such a crazy week filled with so much fun!

    On Tuesday we had pyjama day. It made me feel uncomfortable wearing them to school, but seeing everyone else also in their pyjamas made it super fun!

    On Thursday we had World Book Day. I was dressed as a solider from Micheal Morpurgos's book. Everyone dressed up super colourful and in different costumes! I really enjoyed this day because we got to discuss different characters and I learnt a lot!' -  Muhammed P

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  • New unit in Geography!

    Published 04/03/24, by Nafisah Mahmood

    I'm excited about expanding my knowledge and getting to know more! What do you already know?

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  • Science Museum was so fun!

    Published 15/02/24, by Nafisah Mahmood

    'This week we went to the Science Museum. It was all very exciting! We all wondered around the museum with our group and our group leaders. There were so many new things that I learnt.

    Did you know that some people are born with limbs and replace them with fake ones?' - Safwaan U

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