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Latest News

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  • Al-Noor Boat Race 2024!

    Published 19/07/24

    Over 50 charities entered the Al-Noor Boat Race this year, raising over £1.5 million for good causes masha'Allah!

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  • Summer FĂȘte 2024!

    Published 19/07/24

    Our Summer Fête brought the entire community together for an enjoyable afternoon filled with delicious food, shopping, and lots of fun!

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  • Al-Noor Qur'an Competition 2024!

    Published 20/06/24

    An extraordinary evening dedicated to the memorisation and recitation of the Noble Qur'an.

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  • Visit from Sam Tarry

    Published 03/05/24

    Our pupils eagerly ask questions about the busy role of a politician!

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  • Unapologetically Faithful in the Public Space

    Published 03/05/24

    Our spirited school choir sing to the masses!

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  • Eid Door Competition 2024!

    Published 03/05/24

    Our delightful winning KS2 door!

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  • The Great Big British Spring Clean!

    Published 28/03/24

    Meet our dedicated team of litter-pickers!

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  • Ramadhan Food Bank 2024 - A big THANK YOU to you all!

    Published 28/03/24

    An amazing display of your generosity!

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  • Preparing for Ramadhan

    Published 26/03/24

    Parents and carers were invited to attend an inspiring pre-Ramadhan workshop.

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  • Islam Awareness Week 2024

    Published 26/03/24

    A beautiful stall showcasing the mosques of the world and traditional Islamic clothing for our guests to try.

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  • Spelling success in the Emile National Spelling Competition!

    Published 26/03/24

    A big Masha'Allah to our spelling champion, Hessan from Year 6 Guava Tree!

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  • World Book Week 2024!

    Published 26/03/24

    A brilliant book week!

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