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School Performance


Teachers assess pupils’ abilities in each of the 17 areas of the Early Years Foundations Stage (EYFS) framework against the EYFS Early Learning Goal (ELG) descriptors. They attend local authority moderation meetings with other schools and the school’s assessments are moderated periodically by the local authority too. Moderation is the process of ensuring that assessments made are aligned with national expectations and are thus accurate. The school’s ELG judgements were moderated in 2019.

GLD = A Good Level of Development.

This is a national measure and is the proportion of pupils gaining 'Expected' or higher in the Prime areas and in Maths & Literacy. 


Data is not yet published for 2024.

Phonics Screening Test 2024

The Year 1 phonics screening check is an assessment for all children in Year 1 (typically aged 6).  All state-funded schools with a Year 1 cohort must administer the checks.

The test was administered to Year 1 pupils of Al-Noor Primary School by their class teachers during June 2024. Pupils were deemed to have met the required standard in phonics if they scored 32 or more out of a possible 40 in the test. 



National results for 2024 have not yet been published.

Key Stage Two Results 2024


Regional results for 2024 have not yet been published. 

[1] Unlike reading, maths and Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling, writing is teacher assessed and not tested. However schools’ assessment of writing is moderated by the local authority once every four years. Al-Noor VA was moderated this year, 2024. School staff also attend annual moderation training and internal joint moderation to ensure judgments are aligned to national expectations. Moderation is the process of ensuring that assessments are aligned with national expectations and are thus accurate. Local authorities are required to moderate the assessments of 25% of their schools each year, in a 4 year cycle. As there is no writing test there is also no standardised score for this subject. Writing is scored as ‘has not met the standard’ (HNM), or ‘working towards the standard’ (WTS), or ‘expected standard’ (EXS) or ‘greater depth’ (GDS).

[2] Science is teacher assessed and not tested. A score of ‘Has not met the standard’ (HNM) or ‘Expected Standard’ (EXS) is given for these areas.

[3] This is the proportion of the cohort that achieved the ‘expected standard’ or higher, which is a scaled score of 100 or higher in reading and maths tests and ‘expected standard’ or higher in teacher assessed writing. The higher standard is a scaled score of 110 or more in reading and maths and greater depth in writing.

Multiplication Tables Check 2024

This test is administered in June to year 4 pupils.

The purpose of the check is to determine whether children can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It also helps schools to identify if a child may need additional support. There is no pass mark for the test but the DfE has started to publish the average point score per pupil and the proportion of a school’s year 4 cohort achieving full marks. Children sit an online test of 25 questions and are given a mark for the number of questions they answer correctly.


National and regional figures for 2024 are not yet published.

Please click here to go to the school and college performance website and here to visit our school's performance measures page.