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Please rate the following*
Relationships with pupils
Relationships with staff
Curricular knowledge/skills
Teaching ability
Suitability for post
Attendance record
Health over the past two years
Punctuality to school and lessons
Keeping deadlines
Contribution to general school life
Behaviour management
Use of variety of teaching styles
Use of initiative
Ability to motivate and cater for high achievers
Ability to motivate and cater for low achievers
Competence in use of ICT for personal use
Use of ICT for teaching and learning
Contribution to professional development of colleagues
Contribution to pastoral work
Contribution to own department/team
Abitlity to mentor, train or coach
Ability to lead/inspire/motivate a team
Ability to work under pressure
Average grade awarded over the last two performance appraisals
Has the applicant been the subject of any safeguarding concerns?*
Would you re-employ this person?*
By submitting this form you agree: I can confirm that for the period covered by this reference, I was the candidate's line manager, a member of the senior leadership team, or that I am otherwise authorised to provide this reference. My submission is an agreement of a digital signature.